When I was about 3? years old my mother decided to become a member of a religious group. My Dad did not join her in her spiritual search for the truth of the bible. So the family was split in two for this group was unlike most religions. They are serious about their spirituality. I was raised as was my two brothers in this religious organization. We started at a very young age and quickly learned about the Bibles truths. My dad on the other hand continued his way of life. Doing whatever pleased him and was satisfied with the situation unless something was demanded of him.
Such truths included not celebrating Christmas, Easter, birthdays... in fact any Holidays where not found favorable for a Christian of this faith to celebrate. As you can imagine this separated us from Everyone. Absolutely everyone. Including all of my family, Father, Aunts and Uncles and Grand parents. None of which were very please with the situation. But eventually they learned it wasn't going to change and they adjusted to it.
We were separated by our beliefs in others ways too. Our's was a religion of pure morality, worshiping God whole heartedly and following his commandments to Love one another and Love and serve God with your whole heart. It taught us to hate the worldly things and to love God's ways. Wordly things meaning the ways of the world...Such as spoken here in 1 Cor.6:9-10 " Do YOU not know that unrighteous persons will not inherit God's kingdom? Do not be misled. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, not adulterers, nor men kept for unnatural purposes, nor men who lie with men, nor thieves, nor greedy persons, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit God's kingdom."
We were to be pure of heart, mind and body.
There was no dating or class parties for younger members. No proms or friendships that originated outside of this religion. And this was for our own protection. I have to say, this was a fine way to grow up. I had positive influences in my life. I didn't have to worry about the pressures of dating, that was meant for getting to know a person before marriage and I was not anywhere near ready for that. My teachers and friends knew me for a person who could be trusted and would not lie to them or cheat them. I was a good person always striving to do what was right in the eyes of my God. I was okay with this way of life. I loved my God and wanted to serve him and make him happy.
People knew me to be a good person, comfortable with who I was. All but my mother.
My Mother was convinced I was on the edge of doing something horrifically wrong, that is if I hadn't already. Remember me saying before my Mother was an all or nothing person. There was no grey area, no in between, and she is incapable of being balanced in any thing.
I should mention at this point my Mother married my Father because they were to have a baby together. She had just turned 16.
With this in mind remember that anything my mother did she felt I should do also. I think this seeped over in her thinking that it was just a matter of time before I became pregnant just like she did.
When I was on summer vacation between third and fourth grade, I started my period. I also started to rapidly . Continued:
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