Friday, August 10, 2007

Summer's almost gone

It's crazy how summer just flies by so quickly. I'm not even sure what it is we did this year. We are working on a patio for our back yard. Well it started out as a patio and turned into major demolition and reconstruction.

We put in a water fall and two ponds. Planted all kinds of flowers and have had to level out the yard for the patio... I would like to know what it is the people who owned the house before us did out there. It is unreal the amount of STUFF we have dug up. It is a real treasure trove of broken rusty junk. We actually had to rent a bobcat to move the dirt around, there was no way we could dig down through it all.

After moving dirt, hauling dirt away, digging the pond and building the structure to the waterfall. We put the pond together using rocks and flag stone. What a project. When we had the ground dug up we decided we needed to run sewage pipes from our downspouts so we didn't get a basement full of water. As we were using the bob cat we ripped up electrical cords some dimwit put three inches below the yard surface. We had the companies come out and make sure there wasn't anything there and they said there wasn't. So this was put in by the home owners. Anyhow... that meant we had to re run wires out to the garage. While doing that why not run phone out there too, OH and up the amps to we can run more equipment...(you see where this is going I am sure)
Finally when all that was done and we had everything leveled out it was time for the paver base... and then sand. We are now in the process of putting down the pavers. All 5,000 + of them.

I guess I just answered my question as to where the summer went. HUH?!

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